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Dr. Hodaie is a Professor, Department of Surgery University of Toronto
and The Greg Wilkins - Barrick Chair of International Surgery at University Health Network and The Director of Surgery - PGME, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto. She is also the Fellowship Director, Toronto Western Hospital and Division of Neurosurgery, University of Toronto.
She also has a strong interest in international neuroscience and neurosurgical education. She has pioneered and enlisted international collaboration in the application of new educational tools in the field of neurosurgical education in the developing world, focusing on structured online course modules in neurosurgery.
Dr. Mojgan Hodaie
Toronto neurosurgeon marks 1,000th operation treating 'excruciating' facial pain syndrome
​CBC News · Posted: Jan 15, 2020
More than three years after Maureen Shaughnessy Kitts first experienced debilitating pain on the right side of her face, she still finds it hard to properly describe the sensation.
The pain might come on while she brushed her teeth, or sometimes, after a gentle gust of wind blew on her cheek. The result was something like an "electric shock," she said, with no obvious cause.